3rd day
Tuber blemishes
The development of a collaborative website on understanding and diagnosing potato tuber blemishes (pdf)
K. Bouchek and S. Wale
Causal agents of atypical potato blemishes: The metagenomics approach (pdf)
J. Zimudzi
Epidemiology and disease management
Epidemiology and management of powdery scab in Israel (pdf)
L. Tsror
The role of soil temperature and moisture in root infection of potatoes by Spongospora subterranea f.sp. subterranea (pdf)
Ch. Slappert
Testing of various rotation crops and weeds as alternativ hosts for Spongospora subterranea f.sp. subterranea (pdf)
K. Simango
Modelling of Spongospora subterranea development in potato roots and influence of management interventions (pdf)
C. Wilson
Control of powdery scab: biofumigation with Brassica juncacea, cv Caliente 99 (pdf)
U. Merz