Roundtable Workshop Program   Wednesday , August 11th


Worlwide Occurence: The significance of powdery scab and mop top in my country and the most common control measurements

each presentation 5-10 min

Australia (D. de Boer)

Canada (J. Thomson)

The Mop-top situation in the Nordic countries (H.G. Kirk)

France (K. Bouchek-Mechiche/C. Chatot)

Japan (T. Nakayama/U. Merz)

Managing Powdery Scab in The Netherlands (J. v.d. Haar)

New Zealand (R. Falloon)

Pakistan (S. Iftikhar)

Scotland (S. Wale/A. Lees)

Switzerland (U. Merz)

USA (B. Christ)


updated August 17, 2004