Refereed publications
- Merz U.(1989). Infectivity, inoculum density and germination of Spongospora subterranea resting spores: a solution-culture test system. Bulletin OEPP 19, 585-592.
- Merz U. (1992). Observations on swimming pattern and morphology of secondary zoospores of Spongospora subterranea. Plant Pathology 41, 490-494.
- Merz U. (1995). PMTV-like particles inside resting spores of Spongospora subterranea. Journal of Phytopathology 143 (11-12), 725-727.
- Ahmad I., S. Iftikhar , M.H. Soomro and U. Merz (1996). First report of Spongospora subterranea f.sp. subterranea on potato in Pakistan. Plant Disease Note 1386 P1, Plant Disease 80 (9), 959.
- Walsh J.A., U. Merz and J.G. Harrison (1996). Serological detection of spore balls of Spongospora subterranea and quantification in soil. Plant Pathology 45 (5), 884-895.
- Merz U. (1997). Microscopical observations of the primary zoospores of Spongospora subterranea f.sp. subterranea. Plant Pathology 46 (5), 670-674.
- Finckh M. R., E. S. Gacek, H. Goyeau, C. Lannou, U. Merz, C. C. Mundt, L. Munk, J. Nadziak, A. C. Newton, C. de Vallavieille-Pope and M. S. Wolfe (2000). Cereal variety and species mixtures in practice, with emphasis on disease resistance. Agronomie 20, 813-837.
- Falloon R.E., U. Merz, D. Curtin and R.C. Butler (2001). Boron affects Spongospora subterranea infection of host roots; laboratory and glasshouse results. I.J. Porter et al. (eds.); Proceedings of the 2nd Australasian Soilborne Diseases Symposium, Lorne, Victoria, Australia, 5-8 March, 101-102.
- Falloon, R.E., D. Curtin, C.S. Tregurtha, R.C. Butler and U. Merz (2001). Field application of boron reduces powdery scab of potato. Paper presented at the 13th Biennial Australasian Plant Pathology Conference, Cairns, Australia, 24-27 September.
- Merz, U., V. Martinez and R. Schwaerzel (2004). The potential for the Rapid Screening of Potato Cultivars (Solanum tuberosum) for Resistance to Powdery Scab (Spongospora subterranea) using a Laboratory Bioassay. European Journal of Plant Pathology 110, 71-77.
- Merz, U., J.A. Walsh, K. Bouchek-Mechiche, Th. Oberhaensli and W. Bitterlin (2005). Improved immunological detection of Spongospora subterranea). European Journal of Plant Pathology 111, 171-179.
- Zhan J., C.C. Linde, T. Jurgens, U. Merz, F. Steinebrunner and B.A. McDonald (2005). Variation for neutral markers is correlated with variation for quantitative traits in the plant pathogenic fungus Mycosphaerella graminicola. Molecular Ecology 14 (9), 2683-2693.
- Merz U. (2008). Powdery scab of potato - Occurrence, life cycle and epidemiology. American Journal of Potato Research 85 (4), 241-246
- Montero-Astua M., V. Vasquez, W.W. Turecheck, U. Merz and C. Rivera (2008). Incidence,distribution and association of Spongospora subterranea and Potato mop-top virus in Costa Rica. Plant Dis. 92, 1171-1176.
- Merz U. and R.E. Falloon (2009). Review: Powdery scab of potato - Increased knowledge of pathogen biology and disease epidemiology for effective disease management. Potato Research 52 (1), 17-37
- Falloon R.E., U. Merz, R.A. Lister and A.R. Wallace (2010). Morphology enumerates resting spores in collections of Spongospora subterranea sporosori. Proceedings of the 13th Congress of the Mediterranean Phytopathological Union, Rome, Italy, June 20-25, in Petria 20 (2), 293-294
- Bouchek-Mechiche K., F. Montfort and U. Merz (2011). Evaluation of the Sss AgriStrip rapid diagnostic test for the detection of Spongospora subterranea on potato tubers. European Journal of Plant Pathology 131 (2), 277-287. DOI: 10.1007/s10658-011-9807-1.
- Babu G. and U. Merz (2011). First confirmed report of powdery scab, caused by Spongospora subterranea f.sp. subterranea, on potato in Sri Lanka. Plant Disease 95 (8), 1033 .
- Falloon R.E., U. Merz,
R.A. Lister, A.R. Wallace and S.P. Hayes (2011). Morphological enumeration of resting spores in sporosori of the plant pathogen Spongospora subterranea. Acta Protozoologica, 50 (2), 121-132.
- Gilchrist E., J. Soler, U. Merz and S. Reynaldi (2011). Powdery scab effect on the potato Solanum tuberosum ssp. andigena growth and yield. Tropical Plant Pathology, 36 (6), 350-355.
- Merz U., A. K. Lees, L. Sullivan, R. Schwärzel, T. Hebeisen, H. G. Kirk, K. Bouchek-Mechiche and H. R. Hofferbert (2012). Powdery scab resistance in Solanum tuberosum: an assessment of cultivar × environment effect. Plant Pathology 61(1), 29-36.
- Gau R.D., Merz U., Falloon R.E. and Brunner P.C. (2013). Global Genetics and Invasion History of the Potato Powdery Scab Pathogen, Spongospora subterranea f.sp. subterranea. PLoS ONE 8(6):
- Gau R.D., Merz U. and Falloon R.E. (2015). Infection risk potential of South American Spongospora subterranea f.sp subterranea root gall and tuber lesion inoculum on potato (Solanum tuberosum ssp tuberosum). American Journal of Potato Research 92(1), 109-116.
- Falloon R.E, Merz U., Butler R.C., Curtin D., Lister R.A. and Thomas S.M. (2016). Root infection of potato by Spongospora subterranea: knowledge review and evidence for decreased plant productivity. Plant Pathology, 65 (3), 422-434.
- Merz U. and R.Falloon eds. (2017). Proceedings of the 3rd International Powdery Scab Workshop: Einsiedeln, Switzerland, July 18–21, 2016. Potato Research 60(2), 195-215; DOI: 10.1007/s11540-017-9343-2.
- Schwelm A., Badstöber J., Bulmann S. et al. (2018). Not in your usual Top 10 – protists that infect plants and algae. Molecular Plant Pathology 19 (4), 1029-1044.
Invited Presentations
- Iftihkar S., I. Ahmad and U. Merz (1995). Spongospora subterranea on potatoes in Skardu Region, Northern Areas, Pakistan. Proceedings of the National Seminar on Research and Development of potato Production in Pakistan, April 23-25, CDRI-PSPDP, Islamabad, Pakistan, 326-330.
- Merz U. (1996). Variety mixtures in cereal crop production in Switzerland. COST Action 8.17 Working Group Meeting on Mixtures, Radzikow, Poland, June 30 - July 2 (Invited).
- Merz U. (1997). Cultivar mixtures of wheat and barley in the integrated Production in Switzerland. COST Action 8.17 Working Group Meeting on Mixtures, Grignon, France, May 25 - 26 (invited).
- Merz U. (1997). Towards sustainability: An essential development for European agriculture. Proceedings of the 50th New Zealand Plant Protection Conference, Lincoln University, Christchurch, New Zealand, August 18-21, 493-497 (invited).
- Merz U. (1997). International importance of powdery scab. Potato Industry seminars, Ashburton/Pukekohe/Palmerstone North, New Zealand, September.
- Merz U. (1997). The powdery scab pathogen; epidemiology and biology. Canterbury Agriculture and Science Center, Lincoln, New Zealand (23.9.97).
- Merz U. (1997). Cultivar mixtures for integrated production of wheat and barley in Switzerland. Canterbury Agriculture and Science Center, Lincoln, New Zealand (25.9.97).
- Merz U. (2001). Spongospora. Power, Durability, Mystery. Meeting of the NIAB potato agronomist group. NIAB, Cambridge, March 22, 2001.
- Merz U. (2001). Epidemiology of Spongospora subterranea. INIA, Carillanca, Chile, November 27.
- Merz U. (2001). Detection of Spongospora subterranea in soil. INIA, Carillanca, Chile, November 27.
- Merz U. (2002). Pulverschorf. Fachtagung swisspatat Pflanzenproduktion 'Qualitaetssicherung im Kartoffelbau' , SHL, Zollikofen, Switzerland, March 22.
- Merz U. (2003). Spongospora subterranea. An Introduction. ICPP Precongress Workshop on Plasmodiophorid pathogens, Christchurch, New Zealand, February 02.
- Merz U. (2003). Powdery scab / Rhizoctonia. WEGFED potato seminars / field days, C&F, Lincoln, New Zealand, February 11-13.
- Merz U. (2003). Spongospora subterranea, der Erreger des Pulverschorfes der Kartoffel. Wintertagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft fuer Kartoffelzuechtung und Pflanzguterzeugung, Goettingen, BRD, November 19-20.
- Merz U. (2004). Powdery scab of potato - occurrence, life cycle and epidemiology. Symposium of the First International Powdery Scab Workshop, 88th Annual PAA Meeting, Scottsbluff NE, USA, August 8-12
- Merz U., P.-Y. Jaquiery und Th. Oberhaensli (2004). Pulverschorf: die Bodenverseuchung ist entscheidend. Fachtagung Pflanzenproduktion 2004 'Qualitätssicherung im Kartoffelbau', SHL, Zollikofen BE, December 3
- Jaquiery P.-Y., U. Merz, A. Keiser und Th. Oberhaensli (2005). Konzept zur gezielten Verbesserung der Pflanzgutqualität bezüglich Pulverschorf. Swisssem Workshop Pflanzkartoffeln, SHL, Zollikofen BE, December 9
- Merz U. (2006). Powdery scab in Switzerland. Todays importance and a new control strategy. Workshops of Horticulture Australia Limited, Ballarat / Warrigal, Victoria, Australia, September 11/12
- Jaquiery P.-Y., U. Merz, A. Keiser und Th. Oberhaensli (2006). Konzept zur gezielten Verbesserung der Pflanzgutqualität bezüglich Pulverschorf: Neuste Versuchsergebnisse. Swisssem Workshop Pflanzkartoffeln, SHL, Zollikofen BE, December 15
- Merz U. (2007). Erkenntnisse aus dem Pulverschorfworkshop in Langnau i.E. Swisssem Workshop Pflanzkartoffeln, SHL, Zollikofen BE, December 7
- Rüegger A., Th. Oberhänsli, A. Keiser und U. Merz (2007). Konzept zur gezielten Verbesserung der Pflanzgutqualität bezüglich Pulverschorf. Annual meeting of the Swiss Society of Agronomy, SGPW
- Merz U., A. Keiser, TH. Oberhaensli, R. Schwaerzel und Th. Hebeisen (2008). Pulverschorf der Kartoffel: Massnahmen zur gezielten Verbessserung der Pflanzgutqualität. Fachtagung Kartoffelanbau, Agroscope ART Reckenholz, Zürich, March 13
- Merz U. (2010). Spongospora subterranean f.sp. subterranea: The cause of Powdery scab. Seminario ‘Sarna Polvosa – Un Problema serio en la Producción de Papa en Colombia que necesita solutión‘, Colombia,
UNAL Medellin, July 29.
- Merz, U. (2010). Spongospora subterranean f.sp. subterranea: Research in Switzerland. Seminario ‘Sarna Polvosa – Un Problema serio en la Producción de Papa en Colombia que necesita solutión‘, Colombia,UNAL Medellin, July 29.
- Merz, U., R.D. Gau and P. Brunner (2013). New insights open the prospects for an effective control of powdery scab of
potato, a disease of global importance. Abstracts of the 10th ICPP Congress, Beijing, China, August 25-30, 514.
- Falloon E.R. and U. Merz (2014). Spongospora diseases of Solanum tuberosum: South American origins, and worldwide problems requiring integrated management solutions. XXVI Congress de la Asociation Latinoamericana de la Papa, Bogota,
Colombia, Sept. 28 - Oct 2 (
- Merz, U. (2015). Mit Pulverschorf kontaminiertes Anzuchtsubstrat - wann hört das endlich auf. Swisssem Workshop Pflanzkartoffeln, SHL, Zollikofen BE, December 4.
- Merz, U. (2017). Spongospora subterranea, ein unterschätzter Krankheitserreger der Kartoffel: Biologie, Verbreitung, Kontrollmanagement, Forschungsausblick. 5. Wintertagung AKG/gpz/Uni Göttingen, Göttingen, 21./22.12.2017
- Merz, U. (2017). E-assessment in Plant Pathology diagnostics: from subjectivity to an objective concept. 9th SIG e-Assessment Workshop, Uni Basel, December 7.
- Merz, U. (2018). Spongospora subterranea und Streptomyces spp.: Zwei ungleiche und doch verbundene Krankheitserreger der Kartoffel. Bayerischer Bioland Kartoffelfachtagung 2018, Kloster Plankstetten, Deutschland, February 7.
- Merz, U. (2018). Spongospora subterranea: An underestimated pathogen of a key world food crop. HZPC Meeting, Metslawier, The Netherlands, March 29.
- Merz, U. (2019). Spongospora subterranea: An underestimated pathogen of a key world food crop. Breeders Meeting, Tyrnävä, Finnland, May 15.
- Merz, U. (2020). Sarna polvorienta / Agallas - what control possibilities do we have? INIA, Public Meeting (Morning), Osorno, Chile, January 15.
- Merz, U. (2020). Spongospora subterranea: An underestimated pathogen of a key world food crop. INIA, Breeders Meeting (Afternoon), Osorno, Chile, January 15.
- Merz, U. (2020). Spongospora subterranea: Ein oft unterschätzter Krankheitserreger der Kartoffel. DPG, Tagung Arbeitskreis Kartoffel, Braunschweig, Germany, March 4.
- Merz, U. (2023). Spongospora subterranea: f.sp. subterranea: A pathogen you should never ignore! EAPR Pathology and Pests Section Meeting, Arras, France, 3.-6. September 2023..
Posters & other Presentations
- Merz U. und A. Haeni (1985). Fangpflanzentest zur Bestimmung des Infektionspotentials von Beet Necrotic Yellow Vein Virus und Polymyxy betae in Bodenproben. Proceedings of the 48. Winter Congress IIRB, Bruxelles, Belgium, 13-14 February, 421-430.
- Merz U. (1989). Infectivity, inoculum density and germination of Spongospora subterranea resting spores: an in-vitro test system. Conference on soil-borne viruses and their vectors, Malmoe, 27-29 Octobre.
- Merz U. and M. S. Wolfe (1989). A rapid and versatile bioassay to quantify infectivity of Spongospora subterranea inoculum. Poster. BSPP Meeting, Nottingham, UK, 18-20 Dec.
- Merz U. (1993). Epidemiological aspects of powdery scab of potatoes caused by Spongospora subterranea. Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium of the International Working Group on Plant Viruses with Fungal Vectors. Montreal, Canada, July 25-27, 103-106.
- Merz U. and M. S. Wolfe (1995). Barley and wheat mixtures in Switzerland: Resumee and outlook. 3. Arbeitstagung der AG Saatgut und Sortenwesen, Hannover, 16-17 March.
- Merz U. and J. A. Walsh (1995). The potential of serology for the detection of Spongospora subterranea f.sp. subterranea. Fall meeting of the Swiss Society of Phytiatry (SSP), ETH Zurich, October 5th.
- Merz U. and M. Finckh (1996). Getreidemischungen in der Schweiz und in Polen. Horizons in Plant Sciences, 125-Jahr Feier, ETH Zurich, April 11th.
- Merz U. and J. A. Walsh (1996). Serological detection of Spongospora subterranea f.sp. subterranea. Proceedings of the third Symposium of the IWGPVFV, SCRI Dundee, Scottland, 6-7 August, 169-172.
- Ahmad I., S. Iftikhar and U. Merz (1996). The presence of Spongospora subterranea f.sp. subterranea in the northern areas of Pakistan confirmed by microscopy, serology and bioassay. Proceedings of the Third Symposium of the IWGPVFV, SCRI Dundee, Scottland, 6-7 August, 117-120.
- Walsh J. A. and U. Merz (1996). The potential of serology for the detection of Spongospora subterranea f.sp. subterranea. Proceedings of a symposium on Diagnostics in Crop Production held at The University of Warwick, Coventry, 1-3 April, 151-156.
- Merz U. and J. A. Walsh (1996). Serological detection of Spongospora subterrana f. sp. subterranea in soil. Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium of the European Foundation for Plant Pathology: Diagnosis and Identification of Plant Pathogens, University of Bonn, Germany, September 9-12, 1996, 125-128.
- Ahmad I., S. Iftikhar and U. Merz (1996). The presence of Spongospora subterranea f.sp. subterranea in the northern areas of Pakistan confirmed by microscopy, serology and bioassay. Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium of the European Foundation for Plant Pathology: Diagnosis and Identification of Plant Pathogens, University of Bonn, Germany, September 9-12, 1996, 371-374.
- Walsh J.A. and U. Merz (1996). Detection of resting spores of Spongospora subterranea f. sp. subterranea using serological techniques. Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium of the European Foundation for Plant Pathology: Diagnosis and Identification of Plant Pathogens, University of Bonn, Germany, September 9-12, 1996, 101-104.
- Merz U. (1996). Microscopical observations on release and morphology of and host infection by primary zoospores of Spongospora subterranea f.sp. subterranea. Proceedings of the Third Symposium of the IWGPVFV, SCRI Dundee, Scottland, 6-7 August, 105-108.
- Merz U. and J.A. Walsh (1996). The potential of serology for the detection of Spongospora subterranea f.sp. subterranea in soil. Proceedings of a symposium on Diagnostics in Crop Production held at The University of Warwick, Coventry, 1-3 April, 269-274.
- Merz U. (1997). Der Nachweis von Pulverschorf auf Kartoffeln mit Hilfe der Mikroskopie. Mikroskopische Gesellschaft.
- Merz U. (1998). Pulverschorf der Kartoffel - Krankheitszyklus und internationale Bedeutung. CH-Pulverschorfseminar, 4. September 1998, FAL Reckenholz, Zurich
- Merz U. and J.A. Walsh (1999). Serological detection of Spongospora subterranea f.sp. subterranea in soil. COST 823 Working Group meeting, Einsiedeln, CH, March 4-5, 1999.
- Merz U., I. Ahmad and S. Iftikhar (1999). Evidence of the presence of Spongospora subterranea f.sp. subterranea in the Northern Areas of Pakistan and its importance for national potato production. 1st forum for international agriculture in Switzerland, ETH Zurich, March 30, 1999.
- Merz U. (1999). Powdery scab - why should we care? Abstracts of conference papers, posters and demonstrations, 14th Triennial Conference of the EAPR, May 2-7 1999, Sorrento, Italy, p267-269.
- Merz U. (2000). Potato production and the powdery scab situation in Switzerland. In: Merz U. and Lees A.K. (eds.). Proceedings of the First European Powdery Scab Workshop, 2000, Aberdeen, Scotland, July 20-22, 15-18.
- Merz U. (2000). Powdery scab control in Switzerland. In: Merz U. and Lees A.K. (eds.). Proceedings of the First European Powdery Scab Workshop, 2000, Aberdeen, Scotland, July 20-22, 43-44.
- Merz U. (2000). Powdery scab. Research in Switzerland. In: Merz U. and Lees A.K. (eds.). Proceedings of the First European Powdery Scab Workshop, 2000, Aberdeen, Scotland, July 20-22, 67-72.
- Merz U. (2000). Der Pulverschorf. Kartoffelseminar 2000, LIB Winterthur-Wuelflingen, 20.11.2000
- Merz U. and A.K. Lees, eds. (2001). Proceedings of the First European Powdery Scab Workshop, 2000, Aberdeen, Scotland, July 20-22, 104 p.
- Merz U. and Schwaerzel R. (2001). Potato cultivars - is there a relationship between root and tuber resistance levels to infection by Spongospora subterranea f.sp. subterranea. Crop improvement through understanding plant biology - the root system. 4th Symposium of the Center of Plant Sciences, ETH Zurich, December 7. (pdf-version)
- Merz U. and J. Walsh (2002). Improved immunological diagnostics of Spongospora subterranea. Proceedings of the 5th Symposium of IWGPVFV, Zurich, Switzerland, July 22-25, 35-39.
- Nakayama T., U. Merz, A. Nakagawa, T. Takehara and T. Shimanuki (2002). Differences in zoosporangial root infection of some potato varieties inoculated with japanese and foreign field isolates of Spongospora subterranea f.sp. subterranea. Proceedings of the 5th Symposium of IWGPVFV, Zurich, Switzerland, July 22-25, 115-118.
- Merz U. and Schwaerzel R. (2003). A laboratory bioassay to screen potato (Solanum tuberosum) for resistance to powdery scab (Spongospora subterraneaf.sp. subterranea). Poster. ICPP Congress, Christchurch, NZ, February 2-7.
- Merz U. und A. Keiser (2004). Der Pulverschorf - wir bleiben dran. Fruehjahrestagung der SGP, SHL Zollikofen BE, Schweiz, 25. Maerz
- Merz U., V. Martinez and R. Schwaerzel (2004). The potential for the rapid screening of potato cultivars (Solanum tuberosum) for resistance to powdery scab (Spongospora subterranea) using a laboratory bioassay. First International Powdery Scab Workshop, 88th Annual PAA Meeting, Scottsbluff NE, USA, August 8-12.
- Merz U., J.A. Walsh, K. Bouchek-Mechiche, Th. Oberhaensli and W. Bitterlin (2004). Improved immunological detection of Spongospora subterranea. First International Powdery Scab Workshop, 88th Annual PAA Meeting, Scottsbluff NE, USA, August 8-12.
- Merz U. and A. Keiser (2004). Powdery scab: Development of a strategy to improve potato quality in Switzerland. First International Powdery Scab Workshop, 88th Annual PAA Meeting, Scottsbluff NE, USA, August 8-12. (pdf-version)
- Merz U., P.-Y. Jaquiery, A. Keiser, Th. Oberhaensli and J.A. Walsh (2005). Powdery scab - tools for an integrated control approach. 16th Triennial Conference of the EAPR, July 17-22, Bilbao, Spain.
- Merz U., M. Zala and P.-Y. Jaquiery (2005). Characteristics of a field population of Spongospora subterranea f.sp. subterranea. Proceedings of the 6th Symposium of the IWGPVFV, Bologna, Italy, September 5-7, 162-165.
- Merz U., M. Zala and P.-Y. Jaquiery (2006). Pulverschorf der Kartoffel: Epidemiologische und molekulare Aspekte einer Feldpopulation von Spongospora subterranea f.sp. subterranea. Annual meeting of the Swiss Society of Agronomy, Bern, Switzerland, March 24.
- Merz U., P.-Y. Jaquiery, A. Keiser und Th. Oberhaensli (2006). Powdery scab of potato: An integrated strategy to improve seed quality in Switzerland. Proceedings of the 4th Australasian Soilborne Diseases Symposium, Queenstown, New Zealand, September 3-6, 22
- Falloon R.E.,U. Merz, R.A. Lister, A.R. Wallace, R. Lamberts and S. Hayes (2006). Morphology of Spongospora subterranea f.sp. subterranea sporosori assists enumaration od resting spore inoculum. Proceedings of the 4th Australasian Soilborne Diseases Symposium, Queenstown, New Zealand, September 3-6, 60
- Merz U., P.-Y. Jaquiery, M. Zala and A. Keiser (2006). Powdery scab of potato: Epidemiological and molecular aspects of a field population of Spongospora subterranea f.sp. subterranea. Proceedings of the 4th Australasian Soilborne Diseases Symposium, Queenstown, New Zealand, September 3-6, 70
- Merz U., A. Keiser, P.-Y. Jaquiery and Th. Oberhaensli (2008). The importance of seed- and soil-related inoculum for powdery scab crop infection. PLASMO-Workshop, Torino, Italy, August 23 (Abstract: Plant Prot. Science, 45(1), 29)
- Merz U., A. Keiser and P.-Y. Jaquiery (2008). Survival of Spongospora subterranea f.sp. subterranea resting spores: feeding experiments. 7th IWGPVFV Symposium, Quedlinburg, Germany, August 31 - September 4
- Merz U., A. K. Lees,
L. Sullivan, R. Schwärzel, T. Hebeisen, H. G. Kirk, K. Bouchek-Mechiche and H.
R. Hofferbert (2011). Powdery scab resistance: An assessment of the host
genotype x local Spongospora subterranea
population relationship. 8th IWGPVFV Symposium, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, July 6-8
- Bouchek-Mechiche K, F. Montfort and U. Merz (2011). A lateral flow immunoassay “Sss
AgriStrip” as a tool for specific and rapid detection of Spongospora subterranea on potato tubers. EAPR Conference, Oulu,
Finland, 24-29. July
- Falloon R.E., U. Merz, D. Curtin, R. Butler and R. Lister (2013). Spongospora subterranea causes three potato diseases; tuber lesions, root galls and zoosporangium root infection. Abstracts of the 10th ICPP Congress, Beijing, China, August 25-30, 531.
- Merz U. (2013). Occurence, biology and epidemiology of Spongospora subterranea. Pre-Congress Plasmodiophorid Workshop, 10th ICPP Congress, Beijing, China, August 25.
- Merz U. (2013). Integrated control of Spongospora subterranea. Pre-Congress Plasmodiophorid Workshop, 10th ICPP Congress, Beijing, China, August 25.
- Merz U., R. Gau and P. Brunner (2013). A global population genetics study of Spongospora subterranea f.sp. subterranea opens the possibility for an effective control of powdery scab of potato and shows the need for strict quarantie measures. 9th Symposium of the IWGPVFV, Obihiro, Japan, August 19-22.
- Merz U. (2013). IWGPVFV: A successful story of an interdisziplinary approach. Public Symposium 'Challenge for conquering soilborne plant disease caused by fungi-vectored plant virus'. 9th Symposium of the IWGPVFV, Obihiro, Japan, August 19-22.
- Merz U. (2014). Questions about the origin of Spongospora subterranea f.sp. subterranea. 2nd International Powdery Scab Workshop, Pretoria, South Africa, Juli 29 - August 1.
- Merz U., R. Gau and R. Fallooon (2014). Infection risk potential of South American Spongospora subterranea f.sp. subterranea inoculum. 2nd International Powdery Scab Workshop, Pretoria, South Africa, Juli 29 - August 1.
- Merz U., and M. Phillot (2014). Control of powdery scab: Biofumigation with Brassica juncacea, cv Caliente 99. 2nd International Powdery Scab Workshop, Pretoria, South Africa, Juli 29 - August 1.
- Falloon E.R., R. Lister, R. Butler, D. Curtin, F. Shah, S. Sinton, R. Genet, M. Piaget and U. Merz (2014). Increased knowledge of Spongospora diseases of potato indicates severe challenges for reducing their yield- and quality-limiting effects. Joint Int. Congress of the 14. Congress of the Mediterranean Phytopathological Union and the International Society of Mycotoxicology (Mediterranean Branch), Istanbul, Turkey, August 25-29.
- Merz U., (2015). Pulverschorf der Kartoffel: Probleme in der Vermehrung. Workshop Pflanzkartoffeln, HAFL Zollikofen, Schweiz, 4. Dezember.
- Merz U., (2016). The myth of minituber infection: More case studies. 3rd International Powdery Scab Workshop, Einsiedeln, Switzerland, July 17-21.
- Merz U., and R. Falloon (2017). Decision support for Spongospora management. Poster, EAPR 20th Triennial Conference, Versailles, July 9-14.
- Merz U. (2017). Powdery scab on minitubers: is peat contaminated with S. subterranea? EAPR 20th Triennial Conference, Versailles, July 9-14.
- Merz U. (2019). Spongospora subterranea f.sp, subterranea research: The past, the present and the future. Keynote 2nd International Spongospora Workshop, University Neuchatel, September 5.
- Leyva-Pérez M., T.A.J. van der Lee, D. Griffin, M.G.E. van Gent-Pelzer, J. Moore, D. Milbourne, U. Merz, L. Tsror and J. Vossen, (2022). ScabEomics:
Developing Effector-based breeding for resistance to Spongospora subterranea (powdery scab) in potato. Poster at the World Potato Congress, Dublin, Ireland, 30. May-2. June.
- Falloon R. and U. Merz (2024). Spongospora diseases of potato; current knowledge and prospects for effective management. 3rd International Spongospora Workshop, Fornebu, Oslo,
July 5th
Other publications
- Haeni A., C.H. Hoegger, U. Merz und H. Meyer (1985). Vorkommen der Rizomaniakrankheit, ihres Vektors Polymyxy betae sowie des Ruebenzystennematoden Heterodera schachtii an Zuckerrueben in der Schweiz. Mitt. Schweiz. Landw. 33, 52-58.
- U. Merz und M. Wolfe (1990). Mischungen von Getreidesorten - eine neue Strategie nach alter Tradition. zum Beispiel 8, 8-9.
- Blum B. und U. Merz (1993). Die Verbreitung von Spongospora subterranea, Erreger des Pulverschorfes der Kartoffel, in ausgewaehlten Kartoffelanbaugebieten. Landw. Schweiz 6, 333-339.
- Merz U. (1993). Wieder im Kommen? Pulverschorf der Kartoffel. Landfreund 38, 23-24.
- Merz U. (1994). Weg von den Monokulturen. Die Gruene 41, 22-23.
- Wolfe M. und Merz U. (1995). Sortenmischungen. Schweizer Bauer (Agro-Dossier) Nr. 59, 13-17.
- Merz U. (1995). Report on powdery scab consultancy in Pakistan 15.1 - 27.1.1995. PSPDP, Islamabad/Berne, 8p.
- Merz U. und Valenghi D. (1997). Extenso-Produktion und Sortenmischungen in der Schweiz. In: Sortenmischungen in Theorie und Praxis. Hrsg.: Working Group 2, Cost Action 817, Inra, Grignon, France.
- Wolfe M., de Vallavieille Pope C., Lannou Ch., Goyeau H., Finckh M.R., Munk L., Merz U., Valenghi D. et Gacek E. (1997). Melanges varietaux de ble ou orges. Phytoma 497, 28-31.
- Merz U. (1996). Report on 2nd consultancy mission in Pakistan and supplementary meetings in Holland and India, 2.2. - 18.2.1996. PSPDP, Islamabad/Berne, 19p.
- Merz U. (1997). Report on 3rd consultancy mission in Pakistan 28.2. - 6.3.1997. PSPDP, Islamabad/Berne, 13p.
- Falloon R.E., Merz U., Genet R.A., Marshall J.W. and Braithwaite M. (1997). Powdery scab of potato; the pathogen and progress towards control. Crop&Food Research Broadsheet No 40, 6p.
- Schwaerzel R., Gindrat D., Merz U., Hebeisen T. und Forrer H.R. (1998). Der Pulverschorf, eine bodenbuertige Krankheit der Kartoffel, breitet sich in der Schweiz aus. Medien-Information
- Merz U., Blaise Ph. und Ruckstuhl M. (1998). Lokale Wetterdaten aus dem Internet. Die Gruene 17, 22-25.
- Merz U. and Valenghi D. (1998). Extenso production and cereal mixtures in Switzerland. In: B.M. Cooke (ed.) EUR 18421-COST 817 - Aims and Progress - Airborne pathogens on cereals - Population studies of airborne pathogens on cereals as a means of improving strategies for diesease control. Luxembourg, p. 21-22.
- Merz U. (2000). Der Pulverschorf der Kartoffel: Ein "Comeback" mit Folgen. Kartoffelbau 7, 300-301.
- Merz U. und Martinez V. (2000). Pulverschorf der Kartoffel: Ein resourcensparendes Massenscreening-System fuer die Selektion von resistenten Sorten. Final projekt report, 16 S.
- Merz U. and Lees A.K., eds. (2001). Proceedings of the First European Powdery Scab Workshop (ISBN 09-0587-516-8), 2000, Aberdeen, Scotland, July 20-22, 104 p.
- Schwaerzel R., Le C.L., Cazelles O., Roeder O. and Merz U. (2001). Pflanzkartoffelbehandlung mit Elektronen. Agrar-Forschung 8 (11-12), 477-481.
- Rush C.M. and Merz U. (Eds.) (2002). Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium of the International Working Group on Plant Viruses with Fungal Vectors, Zurich, Switzerland. Denver: American Society of Sugar Beet Technologists. 134pp (2003). ISBN 0-9639572-1-X. (pdf see
- Rush C.M. and Merz U. (Eds.) (2005). Proceedings of the Sixth Symposium of the International Working Group on Plant Viruses with Fungal Vectors, Bologna, Italy. Denver: American Society of Sugar Beet Technologists. 165 pp. ISBN 1-4243-0215-3 (pdf)
- Merz U. , R. Schwaerzel und A. Keiser (2009). Der Pulverschorf der Kartoffel. Der Kartoffelbau 8 (60. Jg), 324-328.
- Merz U. (2009). Pulver- und Silberschorf der Kartoffel: Zwei Krankheiten, ein Qualitätsproblem. UFA-Revue 10, 44-45.
- Merz U. (Ed.) (2011). Proceedings of the Eigth Symposium of the International Working Group on Plant Viruses with Fungal Vectors, Louvain-la Neuve, Belgium. Zurich: Plant Pathology, ETHZ. 72pp (pdf).
- Mascher F., C. Matashi, S. Kellenberger, B. Beuret, M. Beuret, G. Busslinger, J. Doernte, M. Gygax, A. Hecker, L. Heinzer, M. Hochstrasser, M. Horner, P. Kunz und U. Merz (2012). Virulenzmonitoring und Populationsstruktur des Echten Mehltaus von 2003 - 2010. Agrar Forschung Schweiz (5), 236-243.
- Merz U. (Ed.) (2013). Proceedings of the Ninth Symposium of the International Working Group on Plant Viruses with Fungal Vectors, Obihiro, Hokkaido, Japan. Zurich: Plant Pathology, ETHZ. (pdf)
Organisation of Symposia, Workshops
- First European Powdery Scab Workshop, 2000. Scottish Agricultural College, Aberdeen, Scotland, July 20-22
- 5th Symposium of the International Working Group of Plant Viruses with Fungal Vectors, 2002 (Proceedings). Federal University of Technology, Zurich,
Switzerland, July 22-25.
- Powdery Scab Scoring Workshop, 2002. La Fretaz, CH, August 26-27
- First International Powdery Scab Workshop, 2004. 88th Annual PAA Meeting, Scottsbluff NE, USA, August 8-12
- Second European Powdery Scab Workshop, 2007. Langnau, CH, August 29-31
- Third European Powdery Scab Workshop, 2011. Boldern, CH, July 11-13
- International Plasmodiophorid Workshop 'Management of plasmodiophorid plant Pathogens to ensure food security' (Booklet), 2013, Pre-Congress Workshop, 10th ICPP Congress, Beijing, China, August 25, co-organizer.
- Third International Powdery Scab Workshop, 2016, Einsiedeln, Switzerland, July 18 - 21 Proceedings: Merz U. and
R.Falloon eds. (2017). Proceedings of the 3rd International Powdery Scab
Workshop: Einsiedeln, Switzerland, July 18-21, 2016. Potato Research 60(2),
195-215; DOI: 10.1007/s11540-017-9343-2.
- 2nd International Spongospora Workshop, 2019, University Neuchatel, September 5
- 3rd International Spongospora Workshop 2024, Fornebu, Oslo, July 6
- CDRI, Islamabad, Pakistan, 1995
- CDRI, Islamabad, Pakistan, 1996
- CDRI, Islamabad, Pakistan, 1997
- Crop&Food, Christchurch, New Zealand, 1997
- INIA, Carillianca, Chile, 2001
- UNAL, Medellin, Colombia, 2010
- HZPC, Metslavier, Netherland, 2018
- LUKE, Oulu, Finland, 2019
- INIA, Osorno, Chile, 2020
International scientific guests / "trainees" in my lab
- John Walsh, Horticulture Research International, Wellesbourne, UK, June 13-18, 1992
- Shamim Iftikhar, Dept. of Biological Sciences, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan, October 21 - November 10, 1992
- John Walsh, Horticulture Research International, Wellesbourne, UK, March 20-25, 1993
- Norvene Fornier, Scottish College of Agriculture, Aberdeen, Scotland, July 17-24, 1995
- Richard Falloon, Head of plant protection group, Crop+Food, Christchurch, New Zealand, 1995
- John Walsh, Horticulture Research International, Wellesbourne, UK, April 29-May 5, 1995
- John Larsen, Ministery of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, Danish Institute of Agricultural Sci., Dept. Palnt Protection, Slagelse, Denmark, February 4-5, 1998
- Richard Falloon, Head of plant protection group, Crop+Food, Christchurch, New Zealand, September 5 - 12, 1998
- Karima Bouchek, Dominique Ruer, INRA, Station de Pathologie Vegetale, Domaine de la Motte, Le Rheu, France, September 13-17, 1999
- Takato Nakayama, Plant Pathology Laboratory, National Agricultural Research Center for Hokkaido Region (NARCH), Sapporo 062-8555, Japan, September 6-December 30, 1999
- Richard Falloon, Head of plant protection group, Crop+Food, Christchurch, New Zealand, 2000
- Celsa Garcia, Associate Professor, Facultad de Agronomia, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogota, August 15 - October 15, 2005
- Jeom-Soon Kim, Plant Pathologist, Lab. of Crop Protection, Crop Division National Institute of Highland Agriculture, RDA, Gangwon-do, Korea 232-955, August 27-September 2, 2005
- Richard Falloon, Head of plant protection group, Crop+Food, Christchurch, New Zealand, Mai 8-19, 2006
- Richard Falloon, Head of plant protection group, Crop+Food, Christchurch, New Zealand, August 8 - September 9, 2007
- Richard Falloon, Head of plant protection group, Crop+Food, Christchurch, New Zealand, September 8-12, 2008
- Richard Falloon, Head of plant protection group, Crop+Food, Christchurch, New Zealand, July 5-9, 2010
- Tonya Wiechel, DPI, Knoxfield, Victoria, Australia, July 25-27, 2011
- Richard Falloon, Plant+Food and Lincoln University, Christchurch, New Zealand, July 1 - August 4, 2011
- Richard Falloon, Plant+Food and Lincoln University, Christchurch, New Zealand, August 31 - September 14, 2012
- Dung Do-Tan, University of Agriculture, Hanoi, Vietnam, November 18 - December 3, 2012
- Richard Falloon, Plant+Food and Lincoln University, Christchurch, New Zealand, August 30 - September 8, 2014
- Richard Falloon, Plant+Food and Lincoln University, Christchurch, New Zealand, July 12 - 29, 2016.
Updated: January 2024